Tuesday, 29 November 2011

All warm and fuzzy inside

Jag har haft en helt fantastisk helg. Det finns inga andra ord för det.
Ända sedan jag kom hem i söndags kväll har jag funderat om och om igen hur jag skulle formulera mig för att beskriva RFSL Ungdoms Medlemsträff 2011 men jag kommer verkligen inte på något annat än att det var obeskrivligt roligt.

Det var inte bara så att vi var ett 40-tal hbtq:isar som samlades under ett tak i Linköping utan det var också en massa roligt och lärorikt runt om. Workshops, pyssel, kramar, skitsnack, sällskapsspel, skratt, film, föreläsningar, bus och kalkonbrottning. Jag sov ungefär 6 timmar mellan fredag (då vi åkte dit - ett äventyr i sig, kläm in 9 hbtq-personer i en minibuss och se vad som händer) och söndag (då samma minibuss med annan sammansättning av hbtq-personer drog iväg neråt landet igen) men jag var aldrig missnöjd med det. I söndags hade jag sån träningsvärk för att jag hade skrattat så mycket att jag hade problem med att gå och stå rakt.
Jag upptäckte snabbt glädjen i att ha en luftmadrass som håller luften. Min gjorde tyvärr inte det. Knarrar gör den också. Jag ska komma ihåg öronproppar till nästa gång.
Jag upptäckte också hur mycket jag älskar RFSL Ungdom. Jag blir tårögd av glädje och helt varm i hjärtat varje gång jag tänker på alla dessa underbara människor, vare sig de är en han, hon, hen, den eller det (älskar för övrigt också pronomenrundor) som vägrar följa normen och kämpar för att få vara just icke-normativa.

Jag är helt övertygad om att RFSL Ungdom med alla personer som jag mött genom organisationen har gjort mig till en bättre människa som vågar mer. Så kom ihåg att:
Ni är fantastiska!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Because I'm a nerd

And whoever it was that made the Gryffindor ties purple instead of scarlet for the Harry Potter movies should be shot and fed to the lions. It’s been nagging at me ever since the very start because the scarves and ties from before WB started selling merchandise were both much prettier and truer to the story. You can’t see them in this picture but I’m wearing a pair of deep purple tights to this outfit and the tie matches perfectly.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

"I see dead people..."

I have discovered a new tv series. At first I just kept watching because someone recommended it but now I'm officially hooked. Of course it’s good but now I’m finally getting the excellence of it since I finally understand what it's about and how deep it goes. It took me about five episodes before my little epiphany so yeah... I know, I know - I’m slow. It's disturbing in a good way.
I’m watching American Horror Story.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

"I think you pissed off my sandwich."

This video will probably be taken down from Youtube because of copyright reasons but I just wanted to share a little Supernatural with you while it's up. The latest episode is hilarious - back to how it used to be when they had a sense of humour left and actually made fun of the characters a little now and then and made use of my favourite kind of humour: the morbid word puns ("human burrito" hell yes...). Well, it's Dean's turn to get the bad luck-stick slammed in his face.
Enjoy it while it lasts!

Friday, 18 November 2011

The Hutt on: Commuting

I’m a commuter. I’m commuting to get to school. Bus. Tram. And back again. Takes about two hours one way. It’s cheaper than driving myself and I can sleep while on the road. And I don’t like rush hour traffic whether I’m on a bus or driving myself either way so...
Lately though, my fellow commuters have been bizarrely irritating. I’m OK with people who dress funny or act strange, I’m even OK with people listening to loud music which just happens to seep through their in-ear headphones because after all I can always block that out in one way or another. What bothers me are those around me that can’t keep track of their own body odours; women who bathe in vomitory perfumes or men who could do with that bath. Three weeks ago! Because I don’t keep a gasmask with me at all times. I don’t expect to be bombarded with somebody else’s personal stink. The way I see it it’s a common courtesy to not make the people around you want to vomit but then there’s always some arsehole with a differing opinion. They can keep that to themselves thank you very much.

Note to self: GET GASMASK.

Or I could just snap and go medieval on their asses with a cricket bat. It doesn't really matter to me.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Latent obsessions

I might have exaggerated a little bit when I said that Rick “Zombie Boy” Genest was a passing obsession. It’s more like a latent interest. Whenever I find something interesting about him the whole thing streams straight back to the surface again and I'm off on a frantic search for more. I think what interests me most is that he constantly appears in “normal” media as some piece of art, something extraordinary (“kids, look at the freak, we paid good money for this”). He’s going down runways for the big fashion houses and the next day you’ll see him in Vogue or something similar. Which is weird since there's no other niche as narrow as fashion.
He did a campaign for Auslander together with the extremely androgynous fashion model Andrej Pejic. That’s some magical pictures. These boys have chemistry.

Look at this...

...and this...

...which just happens to be my favourites.
Just wanted to share.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

"To conquer fat..."

Reginald D. Hunter.

No. I'm not trying to avoid schoolwork by going on hazardous ventures on Youtube. Not at all. Nope. Would never do that. Not me.

Life - it kinda sucks eh?

Scott Pilgrim sure knows how to put it.
Lite för mycket just nu. Lite för mycket som jag borde ha gjort men som inte har blivit gjort. Lite för mycket som inte går som jag vill att det ska gå. Lite för mycket som förvirrar. Lite för lite tillgångar. Mycket för lite tid över till att umgås med folk jag tycker om.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Dara O'Briain is a gamer...

...and he's funny too. And he's Irish.

Speaking of Irish, also see the comedians: Dylan Moran and Ed Byrne.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The hour-glass

I found a gif of particular interest this morning. Now, I knew that Christina Hendricks (yes, I will keep talking about her, so eat it up or leave) had assets in the shape of great talent… no wait, that sounded so wrong, lets start over:

I ranted like hell last year about how Hollywood pressures beautiful women to diet in order to fit into the size 0 ideal. Therefore I was sorely disappointed when I stumbled upon an article saying that Hendricks was to try and lose weight because of the comments she’d been receiving about her figure. One of these comments (coming from an openly gay fashion commentator) was something in the style of “big girls shouldn’t wear this sort of dress” when Hendricks showed up to a premiere in a shape-hugging dress that made me and many of my male friends have to collect our jaws from where we dropped them. She was in short stunning. And I just didn’t think that she’d care about trolls. Thankfully, it seems I was right in the end. She seems to have become even more in-your-face and refuses to dress down.

On the other hand I’ve got a theory about why people over and over are trying to reduce Hendricks to tits and ass – it’s simple jealousy. Not many women are as well endowed as her. My first encounter with Hendricks was with Firefly where she portrayed the conniving Saffron and I found her not only stunning (there’s something about redheads) but also a very good actress. It was when I watched Firefly for the fifth or sixth time that I discovered that Saffron had quite a rack. What I’m trying to say is that it wasn’t her body that I noticed first but her ironic smile and flowing little voice.
Wow, that sounded much like a love declaration!
In that case I’d like to send some love to Kate Winslet who still refuses the hand of Photoshop to retouch her fantastic figure and Helena Bonham Carter who despite constant trolling stays awesome and unique.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

I need this

I’ve been watching all four seasons of Mad Men in a short period of time (fifth season arrive in 2012, yay). Though I know it’s supposed to be true to how it was in the beginning of the sixties I found the series degrading. Some say it’s sexy and yes, the clothes are far beyond eye-catching close to breathtaking. Christina Hendricks personifies voluptuous and lovely.

Back to my point though. Mad Men is both sexist and racist. I didn't feel the least bit of sympathy for our main man Donald Draper and almost couldn't see anything else through the haze of alcohol and cigarette smoke. But the clothes are nice. The thing is to be aware of it's limits I guess. And Christina Hendricks is gorgeous. Did I tell you that already?

Mad Men inspired me a bit garment-wise so now I need the following dress. I’d look stunning, I swear.

Now you know what I’d want for X-Mas.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Pimping the skin you're in - Part III

I'll start small. Like I said before: I've go(a)t plans but they will be better off with another tattoo artist I've checked out years ago. We'll see.

Piercing healing well. I should have done this much earlier.

Sweet dreams

 Look. Look! LOOK! It's my dream bed! It's perfect!

It has everything I could ever want for.
 Do want.
I guess I'll fucking have to build it.


When I explained my adoration for Black Books to one of my new classmates she recommended me to watch The Mighty Boosh since, she asserted, it was much the same sort of humour.

It’s not.

I’ve gone through the whole first season now and though I chuckle from time to time it’s not like I can’t wipe my stupid grin off like I can’t with Black Books. I think it has something to do with cynicism. Boosh is mostly embarrassing so far. It’s like a mix of the excellent verbally evil Black Books and the horrid Mr. Bean – the King of scum, bad slapstick and physical humiliation.
Heh... “the Ku Klux Goose”... lol.
Ten minutes into season two they’ve taken my 4½ favourite character’s (Naboo, Bollo, Howard, Vince’s hair and Vince - the others are absolute rubbish) and some awkward jokes. We might... might... be getting somewhere. Oh, word puns! Awesome.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Agorafobiker i vardande

Det är ett mirakel att en överlever ett ställe som Ge-Kås utan större skador. Undrar hur många som blir ihjältrampade där per år. Eller möjligen överkörda av kundvagnar eller får ett par revben brutna för att små ilskna tanter kör in armbågarna i dem. Geez Louise... Jag hade fortfarande ont i hälsenan som kördes på när jag kom hem därifrån igår. Den och min älskade rumpa som folk körde in i gång på gång som om det mirakulöst skulle ge dem livets alla svar.

Eftersom jag är fattig som ett hjon så tänkte jag inte inhandla några större mängder grejer. Vilket jag inte heller tyckte att jag gjorde. Hm. Hur som haver så fick jag äntligen tag i ett par chinos som satt bra (aka det ser inte ut som att jag har en jättesnabel framtill i byxan), en jättesöt blus (med ”ROSETT!!”) och (här gick jag emot mina principer) en One-Piece (eller Jumpsuit som de tvingas att kalla det för att inte trampa in i någon annans Copyright-träsk).

Det briljanta med en One-Piece är att den går att använda vid ganska många tillfällen men gemensamt för alla dessa tillfällen är att de sker inom hemmets väggar. Oftast i total ensamhet. De är nämligen gräsligt(!) fula de där plaggen. Min är svart med rosa foder. Så även om svart är en genial färg så kan inte ens svart göra en One-Piece bärbar bland folk. Med andra ord så går One-Piece till skolan fet-bort... men att sova i den är galet mysigt.

Det var lite svettigt där ett tag mitt i en vild hord med shoppingsugna kvinnor i varierande ålder. Min vilt stirrande blick. Paniken. Men jag överlevde. Phew. Och jag fick dessutom tag i den vattenfasta svarta eyelinern jag skulle dit för från början. Men jag glömde köpa en termos.

Friday, 4 November 2011

We meet again Mr. Winch

A few weeks ago a friend of mine recommended me to see Largo Winch 1 and 2 and since I’m not late to follow up on movie related advice…

Largo Winch is played by the French award winning comedian Tomer Sisely and let me tell you, this guy isn’t just a pretty face: through the movie he speaks three different languages, does many of his own stunts and generally kicks ass. He’s charming and looks absolutely delicious. What I love most about Sisely is that he’s something as unique as VERY GOOD AT ENGLISH. I don’t mean to be opinionated but the truth is that in my experience the French aren’t usually very good at English and I admire people who can speak languages without sounding as if they just skipped the lessons on pronunciation. Languages are also important for me to create a realistic setting because honestly, English isn’t the native tongue of the entire planet - no matter what the Hollywood movie corporations might have been telling you just to please the crowd too lazy to read subtitles. Personally, I love subtitles since they taught me English at a young age and allow me to watch thousands of different movie masterpieces from all over the world.

The story is as follows: a secretive billionaire by the name of Nerio Winch is murdered where after the adoptive son Largo, hidden since birth and adventurer at heart, is announced heir upon which various problems ensue when Largo needs to sort out his father’s mistakes.

Now, the first movie was awesome from start to finish but I guess I’ll have to blame my love for language –savvy actors, conspiracy theories and pretty boys for that opinion. The second movie is a bit more… desperate somehow. Sisely is there, the different languages are there and the conspiracy theories are there but I guess they didn’t spend as much time on finding at least decent actors this time. A bright beacon of light to look out for is the butler Gauthier who’s just hilarious.

Unfortunately, I haven’t read the novels or the comics about Largo Winch, who apparently was supposed to try and rival James Bond but I don’t know… I think that’s impossible for anyone. Largo is more like Bruce Wayne for whom the money is just a bonus and the hero costume is redundant. On the other hand I have nothing to compare the movies to in terms of base material
Anyway, I enjoyed the movies, it was great fun and so THANK YOU.

More recommendations coming?

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Bitter much?

"Don't make me laugh... bitterly. Fran will fail, you'll toil your life away, and I'll die alone, upside down on the floor of a pub toilet."
- Bernard Black, Black Books, The Entertainer

Keep swimming

Jag är sjukt trött på tentaplugg. Har läst igenom allt igen. Och igen. Nu vill jag göra annat. Jag vet att allt kommer att försvinna lagom till klockan 09:55 imorgon. Tenta klockan 10:00

P.S. Donald Draper i Mad Men är en horbock. Finns det en karaktär som tigger om att bli kastrerad av en organiserad flock förargade kvinnor så är det han.