I’m a commuter. I’m commuting to get to school. Bus. Tram. And back again. Takes about two hours one way. It’s cheaper than driving myself and I can sleep while on the road. And I don’t like rush hour traffic whether I’m on a bus or driving myself either way so...
Lately though, my fellow commuters have been bizarrely irritating. I’m OK with people who dress funny or act strange, I’m even OK with people listening to loud music which just happens to seep through their in-ear headphones because after all I can always block that out in one way or another. What bothers me are those around me that can’t keep track of their own body odours; women who bathe in vomitory perfumes or men who could do with that bath. Three weeks ago! Because I don’t keep a gasmask with me at all times. I don’t expect to be bombarded with somebody else’s personal stink. The way I see it it’s a common courtesy to not make the people around you want to vomit but then there’s always some arsehole with a differing opinion. They can keep that to themselves thank you very much.
Note to self: GET GASMASK.
Or I could just snap and go medieval on their asses with a cricket bat. It doesn't really matter to me.
Japp, de flesta sensoriska stimuli kan man ignorera men lukter är svåra att låsa ute. Undrar om det betyder att luktsinnet (kemisk detektion av omgivningen) är det äldsta och därför det mest basala sinnet?