Sunday 27 May 2012

I hate essays

I like sitting in a cramped hall for six hours together with 150 other sweating students with an extremely high level of anxiety issues. Essays make want to jump through a window. Not my window sadly because I'm on the second floor with a barely ten feet drop to the ground. I don't have the discipline for this kind of shit. It involves a lot of sitting by a computer which can tempt me to stray to various internet pages much more interesting than religious ethics. Which of course should be what I'm writing about right now and not this.
I took a year off work because I know myself to be a lazy bastard who'd rather make money than study. Knowledge is beyond awesome but it can't buy me a seat on a plane to New York. I've been working my ass off every summer since I was 16 to save up money for things I enjoy. Like the car I bought. My books. My corsets. My shoes. My movies. My comics. My... stuff.
In order to have a job at all this summer I had to start working two weeks ago to introduce me to my new work assignments. It collides perfectly with the end of semester and exam weeks. So here I am. With three days to go until I have to give them my essay I have two pages and I need nine.
I'm screwed.
But I need to give it a try.
Worst case scenario - I fail the course. Which means that I have to do it again in August. It's not the first time though.
Cheers to that.


  1. Rymdnörden, du vet vem ;-)27 May 2012 at 16:28

    Hoppas att du på något sätt får in lite lagom förolämpningar om tro på tomtar, spagettimonster, tekannor och rosa enhörningar på Mars i din uppsats :-) Kanske något om att en etik grundad på senare belöning eller bestraffning av den himmelske diktatorn bara är ögontjäneri? Det blir säkert en alldeles fantastisk uppsats till slut. Lycka till!

    1. Det mesta av min kritik kommer inte in i någon av frågeställningarna tyvärr. Jag undviker kristendomen om jag kan, det är mindre rumpkysseri gentemot en transcendent varelse i många av de andra religionerna. Tack!
