Tuesday 26 October 2010

Can't help it

Even to a nerdy cynic like myself there are a few highlights of the normal year that I wouldn’t miss for the world (the chance to get coffee with Guillermo del Toro and discuss movies would definitely turn my attention though). One of these important events would be The Medieval Week on Gotland, another one would be Towel Day.
However, there is one event that’s just as significant as the two just mentioned:

There are three of these conventions completed during a year in three different Swedish cities; Gothenburg (Göteborg, or “Götet” for some of you Swedes), Stockholm and Malmoe (Malmö). It’s three weekends of complete and utter nerdiness. Comics, movies, anime, cosplayers, action figures, you name it - it's there. Therefore, I approve. A lot.
Thing is that I live closer to Gothenburg than any of the two other cities and I’ve visited the convention the last three times, walked straight into the sci-fi legend Lance Henriksen one year, lost in the crowd milling around together with Imperial stormtroopers, scout troopers, nazgüls, elves, hobbits, L.A.R.P.’ers, Trekkies and an occasional ewook.

Come to think of it, Henriksen is the only celebrity I can think of that I’ve seen mingle with the fans. Considering that there are at least 4 celebrities at each convention, that’s impressive. Bitterly, I’ll admit that I didn’t dare talk to him when I had the chance; I thought I’d faint like a proper idiot. Billy Boyd and Craig Parker were there the year previous to my first visit (yeah, still mad about that) so don’t come and say that only losers come visit these things.

Anyhow, back on the point – I’m already looking forward to that first weekend in March next year that I’ll once again fill a car with friends and head off to the beautiful sight of Gothenburg. All I’ve got left to do now is decide what to wear...
I'm not the least bit obsessed.
A bit perhaps.

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