Tuesday 10 January 2012

This morning

OK, sat down this morning to eat breakfast. A pretty normal thing, I’d say.
Turned on the TV just to see what was showing. "Doctors", OK, will do.
Subject? "SlutWalks". I didn't know what that was and was eager to educate myself.
The panel spoke for a total of three minutes before I had to turn the TV off and throw the rest of my breakfast away. Not so much because of the "sluts" (they're awesome) but because of the "why" the sluts do the walks and why the panel brought them up and where the discussion was going. SlutWalks are a reaction to what a police officer stated about female rape victims. To him, the fact that girls/young women/women/people are raped is their own fault – because he thinks they dress like sluts.

To then hear a woman (in a VERY short dress at that) say that the officer had a point and defend him made me embarrassed to be human. Not only did she do that, but she argued further on behalf of her opinion. “It’s playing with fire” she said about dressing in certain ways, all in her American nasal voice that sounded like she’s just about to pull out all evidence of her privileged and protected background out of her white ass (she also said “I don’t understand why anyone would want to dress sluttishly...” which made her sound even more air-headed as it's up to every and each one of us what we wear). It’s because of women like her that girls are told that “boys will be boys” when they get raped. Sexuality is not an unstoppable force of nature! Girls and women should be able to wear whatever they feel beautiful in, even if it’s made out of string and barely covers the entries to her body, a “no” is still a “no”.
Stop teaching girls that they should be afraid of rapists, tell boys not to rape.


  1. Absolutely right! There is no excuse for rape.

  2. that was a stupid subject.....fuck them.
    Fanns det ingen som förklarade verkligheten för dem?
