Tuesday 16 October 2012

Internet, I love you

I know you're not supposed to talk about Tumblr because as you know the first rule about Tumblr is that you do not talk about Tumblr. I'll take my chances though.
After joining in on the madness that is the Tumblr-verse, I realized that it was 100% based on an obsession level I thought I had already reached a long time ago but how wrong was I? Very. I was an amateur ready to be whipped by the masters of fandoms.
For those of you who doesn't tumblr all day, here are two useful vlogs that might explain a thing or two. This is also extremely amusing because I notice just how much of a fangirl I've become of late. You see... this all makes sense to me.

Internet, I love you for so many reasons. One of them is because you've let the nerds out.
We cannot be contained.
We are spreading.
We are leaving our enthusiasm wherever we go.
I love this.

1 comment:

  1. Rymdnörden, du vet vem ;-)18 October 2012 at 16:52

    Ha, ha, man såg en månkrater jag har på min tumblr :-)
