Well, of course I started researching my
next medieval costume project instead of sitting down on my big behind for a
few hours to catch up on my school reading. My boy band haircut and I wished
for the weekend to last longer. “Ugh” I moan as I yet again let my eyes only slightly
slide over the pile of books I should read until next week’s exam. “Ugh” I
repeat as I realise that I only have one week left until that stupid exam that
a great portion of last year’s class failed miserably. Like the idiot I am I’ve spent too much time
on Tumblr and too little time actually reading books that hold information I’ll
need for school. I’ve been reading, but the entirely wrong sort of literature
as neither Harry Potter nor A Feast for Crows will help me write my bachelor
thesis. (Not this time at least.)
“Fuck it” I whisper as I reblog another
picture of Tom Hiddleston.