Sunday, 20 February 2011

Under pressure

I’ve been terrified of my blog since Valentine’s when I logged in and glanced at my visitor stats. They were quickly racing skywards at five times the speed of before. Since that I haven’t dared to write anything. People might expect something witty and I’m just not capable of that. Being crushed underneath your self-made expectations is the worst a person could ever suffer from. It’s also very common.

But let us leave that and focus on art instead. I’m going to mention Diablo III.

No, I’ll spare you a dive into yet another rant about the dawdlers of Blizzard but instead I’ll hand you a link to what Diablo III could have looked like. Judging from what I see and what I can read, it looked much like Diablo II and since that’s not what the fans wish for it had to be altered. All honour to Diablo II but it needs more than a touch of make-up to be pretty and interesting again. 3D and more flashing dabs of colour might be exactly what’s needed. Also, there’s “hope” that Blizzard releases Diablo III later this year. For their sake, I hope that particular piece of info is correct.

It’s less than a week until The Scandinavian Sci-Fi, Game and Film Convention in Gothenburg and for the first time I’ll be there both days of the duration of the convention (leaving time to see friends I haven't seen in ages) because for the first time since I started going in 2008 I’ll get my salary before and not after the convention. Double awesome.

Btw, boiling water is hot and steam is hotter. Two of my fingers on my right hand are scalded and (was) blistered (before they popped). Right now, my anger isn’t about that it happened at all or that it’s constantly stinging but that it’s my right hand and not the left. I could have lived with it if it had only been my left hand. My right hand is too valuable for this.

And btw2, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is an awesome (and hilarious) movie. See it.

Notice that Edgar Wright who also directed the tv-series Spaced and the movies Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead is directing this. Amazing man.

1 comment:

  1. något som också är awesome, DU KOMMER TRÄFFA MIG! PUSS! <3 ring mig när du har tid hjärtat!
