Oh and if you're just looking for some of my favourite tv shows, films and books of the year skip to the end. Keep scrolling.
The beginnings of a new year...:
Spring's here:
I was a pink Yip Yip Martian for the Scnadinavian Sci-Fi, Game & Film Convention and got attack-hugged by a very happy Spiderman. I'm not sure how I ended up in this situation. Ok, I'm lying. It's all L's fault. He's in the blue Yip Yip costume. We were awesome.
All summer long:
Summer arrived late but it came in like a wrecking ball, ripping people's clothes off as it went. No, really. I love how the whole of Gothenburg acts whenever the sun comes out. All these half naked hipsters, punks, metalheads and rockers with their tattoos - eye candy galore.
I got back to enjoying handicrafts which delights me to no end because creating things is a great pleasure but hasn't held that kind of attraction to me in a long while.
So I completed things for my medieval outfits while I had the inspiration. Check out my purse! It's got tassels!
Autumn is summer's end:
2013 was the year of my return to the Medieval Week on Gotland and it was much better than I could ever have imagined. On the first night after I had blatantly stolen a hat from one of the landsknecht, I picked up a Steampunk Pirate to share a nightly stroll with. Only later did I realise that the pirate and I could have advanced to a more horisontal position in my bunk but hey, I was having a hoot and a half nontheless. I returned the hat. I drank enough beer to drown a fish. On the last night I located and snogged a bearded knight with amazing hair. In all fairness, I must admit it to be a week to cherish in memory.
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Here, have a picture of His Fluffyness Mus-Ingvar. |
It was an unusually warm September. Lovely.
Oh, and I turned 25. Blergh.
Qwertee is my new favourite thing to throw money at. It speaks to me. Though I ask you to ignore the ring I'm wearing in the picture; I use it at work to scare off the creeps by pretending that I'm engaged (the feminist in me is crying over the fact that the only thing that can scare the creeps off is the potential threat of my fake partner). To everyone else it's a silver ring with the One Ring engraving.
L adopted a Maine Coon and after spending hours in shock over how fucking HUGE this feline creature is I couldn't stop petting him. He makes a great pillow.
We've reached the end - December:
A busy month for me. I got started on my new tattoo but with a great deal left for another sitting I'll rather not bore you with the details just yet. As you probably have already figured out I'm planning my next tattoo as I write. It might be painful to get a tattoo but there's nothing like the pleasure of having it done.
It was finally time for my return to Belfast. My friend L got to see Belfast in all its glory. Bombs and all. Yeah, I'm serious. We're the kind of freaks that enjoy visiting cathedrals so we went for a tour to St. Anne's Cathedral and later the same day a small bomb detonated nearby. Luckily we were happily drinking our tea back at the hostel at that point. I was pleased nontheless because my inner beer nerd was overjoyed with all the locally produced ale I poured down my gullet.
Back at the Parlour at last. |
In conclusion:
Happy New Year! |
I move on with my life with my boy band haircut still in place, but with a larger library, a new piercing and more ink. 2013 held no greater surprises in my life and looking back at it I can't really find anything that stands out among all the rest. It was a bleak year to be quite honest and I make no resolutions or promises facing the next one. 2013 was in retrospect the year when nothing considerable changed.
But what about the films and books?
2013 wasn't even that much of an amazing cinema experince. Quite a lot of disappointments to be fair as I had waited a few years for some of the titles (Riddick, Kick-Ass 2, The Wolverine, Star Trek Into Darkness among others) but if I had to recommend you anything I'd tell you to give Now You See Me, Monster's University, The World's End, Iron Man 3 and Pacific Rim a chance. Like previously stated, nothing mind-blowingly awesome but entertaining at the least.
Even Doctor Who lost all of its charm and I have no fucks left to give about the fate of the Doctor now that Moffat has completely taken over the show. Sadly, nearly the same goes for my old favourites Supernatural and Sons of Anarchy - by now I'm just too invested in the characters to stop watching. The third season of Game of Thrones came and went. Instead of lingering on this misery, I watched and rewatched what there is of the second season of Elementary and welcomed Dracula with Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Almost Human with Karl Urban and Michael Ealy to my weekly schedule. Sleepy Hollow was a fresh wind. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn't. The instant success of Orange is the New Black was well deserved and I'm on pins and needles for the next season.
As we arrive at the subject of the books I've plowed through this past year, there are a couple of titles I'd like to give the praise they deserve: I, Lucifer by Glen Duncan, Hyperion by Dan Simmons and the Johannes Cabal series by Jonathan L. Howard. They're excellent if you like a good story with an unexpected ending.
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Yeah. Basically. |
Förlovad med Sauron, ja, det skall väl skrämma iväg andra friare ;-)