Some of them have been true masterpieces and a pleasure on the eye, no doubt there, but some of them have just made me wonder what idiots it was that agreed to produce that kind of crap to begin with. Personally, I found Blade Runner to be one of those, a fact that made me lose friends on And I never quite understood what was so wonderous about Dead Man with Johnny Depp either.
However, the book has made me take a look at movies I never thought I'd find without it. Movies that has made a difference to me; In The Mood For Love, Withnail & I, The Purple Rose of Cairo and Down By Law just to mention a few of them.
Since I got my 2005 edition there's been a few more, much because they never stop making movies; the latest published this year and the list You Must See is now, judging from my latest rummage through the internetz, about 1079 movies long (this is counting all the movies that's been removed from the rest of the book to make room for new "masterpieces", say, Avatar and Inglorious Basterds in the 2010 ed.).
haha, F tvingade mig att se Blade Runner, jag förstod eller aldrig grejen med den filmen. Kanske en av orsakerna varför vi aldrig riktigt fungerade..? Hm, yeye. Jag saknar dig massor vet du. Jag har fortfarande inte fått mina csnpengar, men när jag får det kan jag tänka mig en helg hos dig?
Länge sedan jag såg Blade Runner men den tyckte jag var riktigt bra. Avatar däremot... ja, man kanske bör se den för att uppleva besvikelsen...