What if I told you that this huge pile of books are all books I aquired in the last month? In fact, most of them are purchased in the last few days. Yes, I admit that I might have gone a bit crazy at the very instant my salary entered my account but it's only to be expected since I feel like I'm in the middle of the most stressful crap I've ever had to endure. My reaction to this kind of thing is actually very predictable (see: picture below). There will be many years between me handing in my essay and the next university course I take, believe you me. I'm just longing for the moment when I can sit down and read anything I want from my bookshelf. It's been a while. Four years to be quite exact.
There's some art and art history books there, some non-fiction factual books on medieval dress accessories and some good old fiction. Whatever floats your goat I suppose.