Sunday, 19 February 2012

It's been a crazy week!

Monday – my week started off quite boring with school and... commuting.

Tuesday – it was Singles Awareness Day and I had lectures all day and spent all night with Doctor Who and Black Books. Bernard Black, my man, lets spend our time together with drinking wine and judging people while drowning them in sharp sarcasm.

Wednesday – I spent most of my day with my books and then shared ridiculous amounts of coffee with some friends at our district’s LGBT Youth Café. (“It’s cheaper than a movie and there’s free coffee.” - Marla Singer, Fight Club) We also have cupcakes, biscuits and other delicious thingies one can eat. Omnom.

Thursday - my new tattoo covers the old one I got in Belfast and includes the legendary answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything no less than four times. Not too sure I will hand out a picture of it before it’s healed up. All you need to know is that it's bigger and better.

Friday – I buried myself in books to catch up on my reading for school and then headed off north with my two companions to hold some diversity training workshops focusing on LGBT issues. Despite that it was my first time it went well I think. More of that next week!

Saturday – I don’t know when parking one’s car in a ditch turned into a good idea but apparently I found it immensely amusing to do so. No worries, I didn't get hurt, my passenger didn't get hurt and my car didn't get hurt. We're alright. Snow is never just snow for too long around here so sliding off the road because of slush and being appointed president of my local LGBT Youth Federation was Saturday’s chores.

Sunday – all that remained for me to do was to change my hair colour. So I did. It’s now some shade of brownish copper... or was it mahogany brown? Either way, it’s a bit different but not too much. So far, so good. We’ll see how I feel about all this in the morning.

And I really hope that next week is a bit less eventful. There’s two weeks left until my first exam for this semester and the mere thought of sitting down for six hours just to spew out everything I’ve learnt since the middle of January is daunting.
But I'm longing for the weekend following that momentous exam because that’s when I get to meet the babes I went to university with a few years back. I miss them all like crazy and I’m super-excited to see them again. 

1 comment:

  1. Det ska bli så kul att ses igen på tu man hand och umgås och skratta och bara vara.

    och jag vill se din tatuering :)

